About me
“I am a dreamer, born on April 11, 1996, in Barcelona, Anzoátegui State, Venezuela.
From a very young age, I was always interested in everything related to art and craftsmanship. My mom had a crafts workshop at home, and I started creating decorations for parties with her. From that moment, I knew that my passion was related to creation, design, and art.
I had the opportunity to train in an illustration workshop, which was an activity that I still appreciate today, as it was the starting point of this journey. When I finished high school, I decided to study Fashion Design at the Institute of Design in the city of Valencia (IDV). My parents were not very happy with my decision since they couldn’t accompany me, and it was a 7-hour journey from my city. I had never been alone without my parents. However, the adventure was very interesting because I was going to be able to become independent and had the opportunity to study the career I was most passionate about.
My three years at this institute shaped me as a Fashion Designer and Illustrator, being the step that filled me with confidence to continue growing in the world of art. Unfortunately, the political situation in my country prevented me from continuing to grow and evolve in my field everywhere. That’s why, in agreement with my husband and supported by our family, we decided to take a risk and continue believing in what we were doing, but this time in the United States.
Miami was the city of our choice because it gave us a bit of that Latin warmth we were leaving behind and that we needed. We didn’t know anyone, and we had to build everything from scratch.
Our arrival, like that of all migrants, was intense because we found a reality completely different from what we were used to. We went from working as a housekeeper to being a party entertainer, a waitress, and even becoming a chef in a restaurant. My husband went from being an Uber driver, a kitchen helper, a construction worker, to becoming a warehouse manager. We always supported each other and believed in our dream, which was getting closer day by day.
One day, with some savings, we decided to start our own business, a place where we could express ourselves and show the world what we were capable of. On February 12, 2020, our beautiful project was born: “Artketing Studios.” That’s the name of our studio, where my husband and I have the opportunity to showcase our talents through photography, video, makeup, and art.
In this space, I have had the opportunity not only to do makeup for numerous artists and talents but also to create art with my own hands, from furniture interventions, sculptures, to the creation of my personal brand of ART BY NORY jackets.
Honestly, this journey has not been easy, but I am sure that every second has been worth it, and today I am here showing you my art proposals painted on jackets, sculptures, paintings, furniture, and walls.
I am truly grateful for all the wonderful things that have happened to me in these 7 years in this country that opened doors for me and gave me the opportunity to show who I am through what I am passionate about.
This is me, and this is what I love to do… Art.